Pitching for Angel Investment
Pitching for Angel Investment can be a daunting prospect. We aim to make the process as enjoyable as possible and we have a few top tips to help you get the most out of the opportunity.
Pitching Top Tips
Keep to time! – It is better to be under-time than over.
Don’t get too technical – give enough information so that the investors understand what it is and what it does, but don’t go into too much depth about how it works at this stage.
Remember the pitch is to ‘spark’ the investors’ interest - if they want to learn even more about your business, they will arrange a meeting to do so.
Be honest – investors are judging you as much as your business, they want to imagine an amicable ongoing relationship with you.
Don’t put too much text on your slides, it’s difficult to read and listen at the same time.

What to include in your pitch
A summary slide, summarising who you are and what you are pitching for.
What is the problem and what is your solution?
Clarification of the product/business, including USPs and IP
Market analysis, size, competition
Route to market and current traction
Overview of financials and forecasts, previous investments/grants/other finance
Exit strategy and timeline
Investment proposition and what the money is needed for